субота, 30. јун 2012.

Mod'art International.... final fashion show ;)

              Sinoc je u SKC-u odrzana 6. po redu revIja Pariske visoke $kole modnog dizajna MOD'ART International iz Beograda, na kOjoj su sEst mladih studentinja zawr$ne godine imali prilIku da prezentuju swOje kreacIje :) Moram priznati da su nEke cAk i ostAwile bEz daha, takO da.... ewO par slIcica za Vas, ukOliko ste propUstili to...  :*

mOdel Ree Mrdalj, mOj fawOrit

Suknja i Platforme: New Look
Majca i Torba: Bershka

dO sledecEg pOsta.... :*

петак, 29. јун 2012.

hola España, hOla BCBG :) vamos a disfrutar....

Kljucne rIjeci: 'El Hispano, Flamenko, "Tiburon Azul", Verica Rakocevic i Boris Izderic-> ART'

              Spoj gOre nawedenIh rijEci ucInio je da sE sinOc, iAko u strogom centru Beograda, nekOm 'magIjom' nadjEmo i osjEtimo swE cari $panije.... ;) Flameko plasacice, $panska zakuska, najbolja wIna i narawno glawni krIwci za sAm pOwod dogadjAja na$a krEatorka V.R i slIkar B.I. iz Kotora koje je spOjila zajEdnicka ljUbaw prEma Latinskoj Americi na jednOj strani i umjetnOst na drUgoj :) Owo je bio nacIn da se 'zahwale' swEMu lIjepom $to su dozIwjeli tAmo iAko swAko na swOj nacIn, sa razlIcitim ljUdima i u razlIcito wrijEme :) Finalni proizwod.... mIrisna nOta 'Tiburoz Azul'... lImited edition, swEga 1000kom godi$nje i sAmo 2 prodajna mjEsta- Lorca Design u Beogradu i lUka Porto Montenegro u Tivtu i narawno porUka koju parfEm nosi sa sObom 'swA$ta ne$to s tobOm mogu'.... :)
                                                                        uzIwajte.... :*

haljina: BCBG
Torba: Accessorize
Mindju$e: Accessorize

dO sledecEg pOsta.... :*

субота, 23. јун 2012.

NEW IN ;) my first one....

                 First of all.... I must say that doing this type of post is much much harder than doing some outfit post! This is my first one and i really hope you're going to like it ;)
Let's start then ;) The summer is here so I decided to refresh my wardrobe by bringing some new things for this season :D As u already know, this summer will be full of colors lIke: pink, mint, yellow, blue and all type of flourescent colors.We will be able to show how creative we really are by matching some colors like red with pink or pink with orange and using a lot of accesorisse, of'course :) I cant wait to finish my exams, leave Belgrade and go to the sea, actually my hometown - Budva :)
                   Let's start with the pictures of my new wardrobe, just one part :) enjoy....

As u can see, there's a lot of dresses, pants and skirts :)

my obsession- shoes :*

i love shirts.....

1. New Look pants: 2. Zara- pink pants; 3. New Look- orange long skirt; 4. Mango- mint pants
P.S. Long dress & long skirt is MUST HAVE this season :*
I bought this dress for the sister's wedding...

                                                    my fav. orange dress, no brand              
 I have the same dress in pink and it's great, u can wear it in so many different ways....

Zara, red one

 1. Zara;
2. NY
I'm just crazy about all this Nail Polish so u should all have them :* it's also MUST HAVE this SS '12
 1. Zara; 2. Golden Rose 324; 3. Kiko 302, 304, 300; 4. Layla, Ceramic effect 09;
5. Aura, Perfect Matt 508; 6. Deborah Shine Tech 35 & Sense Tech, 100% Mat 04

1. 2. Zara- skirt & top; 3. 4. New Look; 5. Cheap&Chic, british flag top (j'adore colors of british flag)
6. H&M (tnx to S.) http://www.facebook.com/moda.beograd.1 :*
 1. Zara; 2. H&M and 3. handmade (u can wear it is so many ways) i'll show u soon, i promise :)

                                                               mint <3

So, that's it :) I hope u enjoyed and see u soon with some new interesting outfit post :*

уторак, 19. јун 2012.

it wAs nOt plannEd at all.... bUt you shOuld... :*

                     Iako sE, sAswim neplanIrano nadjOsmo na owOm diwnom mjEstu, nIsam mOgla odOljeti a da ne naprAwim pAr fotkIca i za swOj blOgic :) Nadam se da cu Wam bAr dijelom prenIjeti atmOsferu i relaksirajuci ambIjent Etno sela Stani$ici u BijeljIni :) Odawno wec planIram da odEm tamO, bar na dAn ako ne nE$to dUze ali uwIjek ne$to iskrsne :p Na krajU je ipAk najbOlje kad se swE desi sAmo od sEbe- spOntano ;) UziwkAJte ;)
p.s. bOje su ucInile swOje i owOga pUta :*


                                                 Pantalone: Zara '12
                                                 Majca: Mango
                                                 Torba: Miss Sixty
                                                 NAkit: nO brand
                                                 Cipele: nO brand
                                                 Naocare: Ray BAn

       dO sledeceg pOsta.... :*